>>37366711>Lysandre would've been better in ZAgree, this applies to XY in general. I know that a popular reply is "He makes sense in our world, but not so much in Kalos, which looks utopic". I think they should have showed us more degradation, as a nice contrast with the overall theme of beauty (Kalos literally means beautiful), but it's not like he doesn't give us concrete (his last words imply wars are still a thing) and abstract (if there's only one Mega Ring, struggle will ensue and the weak will be deprived. Swap "Mega Ring" with "necessities" and you have a dog eat dog world) examples.
Besides, he already lives a great life and his beliefs are genuine, thinking he woke up one day and started seeing problems where there are none feels more farfetched to me.
>it definitely fizzles outYeah, the beginning is the best part, but I felt the whole track was a nice break from its predecessors, many of which felt too much "generic jRPG battle".
>only the latter Hoenn water routes were annoying imoI loved how vast the ocean was, you could always find an unexplored spot. Variety of Pokémon (both wild and trainer battles) was poor though, the ORAS Ace Trainers were a good addition.
>DP with less slowdownFair point.
>she is like 10I know we're on /vp/, but it wasn't meant to be about sex appeal, I simply prefer her BW2 design over her previous mess.
>WRONGSure, Stadium has "Ride that Surf!" and "Taken down on the word go!". But does it have COMPLETE DESTRUCTION BY SHADOW FORCE or JUDGMENT HAS BEEN DEALT?
>you could argue that"Truly" not in the sense of "find everything that is theoretically doable and do it", it's just that many people think they've "completed" the game after the League and maybe after finishing the Pokédex, while there are often many other programmed challenges in the game, like Trainer Stars or the FRLG stickers (though the latter is legit insane and tedious). Many don't seem to be even aware of their existence.