>DP engine speed with XY/SM frame drops
>HMs are mandatory on most routes (usually rock smash, cut, or if you're very lucky, strength)
>XY tier story and characters
>SM tier dialogue
>DP tier regional dex, new mons barely make up a quarter of the dex, if that
>LGPE wild encounter system - routes are extremely narrow, too, meaning they'll usually get in your way
>Gym leaders have 2-3 mons (usually 2)
>Elite 4 have 4 mons
>New mons are overly reliant on gimmicks. Every new mon has an exclusive ability and move. These are usually just reskins of pre-existing moves or abilities that would've worked fine on the mon as is.
>New mons that aren't reliant on gimmicks are instead overly minmaxed.
>Overworld puzzles are either RBY tier strength puzzles or elaborate mazes with a metric fuckton of dead ends, with nothing for your time at the end
>Graphical style is still awful. Most, if not all, characters have no expressions and use universal movement animations.
>Mega Evolutions and Z-Moves are brushed under the rug again. You're once again shamed for using them, too, but Game Freak remains adamant that they won't be used or removed.
>One of the new mons is exclusive to something like the Pokeball Plus or whatever the fuck the one-button controller from LGPE is. It will never be made accessible in an online event.
>Stat Candy makes a return.
>Music is mostly just lifeless fake-orchestra covers of tracks from gen 1-4. The few new tracks that do exist are poorly composed and do not mesh with the style at all.
>Legendaries make up about 30-40% of the new mons. They're not hidden, they're just sort of handed to you, and are usually mandatory. In a best case scenario, they're put conveniently in your path, like the muskateers in B2W2.
>Landorus gets Baton Pass and Shell Smash.