>>37409052>Are we all on the same page, more or less?You know for a fact we won't be.
>The best games in the franchise are the first ones for the arbitrary reason of being firstAny objective list would put the Game Boy games at least around the middle.
>EmeraldI cannot even begin to fathom how you could think RBG or Crystal are better than Emerald. Not even to specifically say that Emerald should be on the top, but Emerald is an objective improvement to those games with abilities.
>HG/SSThere is literally no reason for these to be below Crystal, let alone the original Gold/Silver games. This isn't just mindless "IT'S NEW SO IT'S BETTER", HG/SS have the physical/special split and abilities, which were objectively enormous improvements to the gameplay as a whole.
>Pokemon B/WI don't hate gen 5, but come on. Restricting your entire dex to the current generation is just a bad move.
Also why the fuck is White 2 two tiers below Black 2?
>FR/LGLike with HG/SS, there's absolutely no logical reason for these to be below the original games considering how many improvements were made.
>Ruby/SapphireI'd say they deserve to be a bit higher, but I have no strong opinions one way or the other since Emerald is just an objectively superior experience.
>LGPEYou might as well put LGPE in God-tier if you're gonna bait this hard. Anyone with a fucking ounce of self respect would put them at the very bottom. You're clearly a Genwunner if Kanto pandering can push an entire game into being decent for you.
>X/YDeserve to be far lower. At least you put them above Sun and Moon, but still. Putting them on the same tier as Platinum or fucking Pokemon Snap (especially since you seem to be easily pandered to with nostalgia) is retarded.
>Gen 7Having any actual mainline games below Gen 7 is a clear signal that you have autism.
>ORASORAS are certainly shit and deserve to be low on the list, but they're not worse than Gen 7 by a long shot.
>D/PNot great, but NOT worse than Gen 6/7.