>>37452911Shuckle, assuming it has a moveset allowing it to do damage, it can just stall it out.
Any electric type. Period. T Rex could maybe take them out easy with the exception of Magnemite line but it would likely have to deal with long range electric attacks and paralysis
Alakazam not only could but would with a hundred percent win rate. It is too intelligent and has psychic moves too powerful to deal with. Kadabra and Mr.Mime would also be more likely than not to win, the former making use of barriers. Other psychics would also stand a good chance assuming they could strike first. Like hypno.
Pretty much all legendaries stomp
Fire types with decent speed or wings that can learn flamethrower also most likely win assuming they play to that strength. Arcanine, rapiddash, charizard, maybe houndoom. IDK about Magmar. He could at least gravely injure the t Rex.
I don't think most flying types will be able to do enough chip damage to Rex before he lands a fatal Lucky strike. Pidgeot and maybe fearow could possibly pull it off tho. Noctowl has status moves it can use from afar so it wins. Same with murkrow. Skarmory can probably actually tank so e hits while hitting rex's fragile bones with steel wing. It has a great chance.
Rhyhorn could maybe take some hits and then get off a deadly horn drill
Dugtrio and diglet can win if they stay far enough and spam earthquake or magnitude
Onix or at least steelix will destroy his teeth. Rex won't have a prayer
A Dragonite would most likely win, but Rex has a chance if Dragonite gets in close for some reason.
Poison types proabbly won't be able to down Rex before they're taken out except Muk or even just grimer. They can't lose due to those bodies
Don't know about fighting types but Hitmonlee has the best shot I think
All ghosts win, unless t Rex has dark type bites. Then only gengar is a sure thing I think.
At least those