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No.37470893 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Weird shit that happened to you while playing pokemon?
I've wanted to tell this story for a while now.
>be 20
>In my second year of university
>suffer from memental illnesses like depression and anxiety
>used to smoke ungodly amounts of weed with my friend and his brother and play pokemon as a coping mechanism, though I don't do it anymore
>was never heavily into drugs just weed
>but every so often my friend's brother would bring other weird shit he would get from his friends
>one day I'm playing soulsilver and he comes in with these weird yellow strips you put on your tounge
>I've already smoked enough to take down an indian elephant so I take one
>stupidly I ask after the fact what they are and he just shrugs
>after a while I start seeing little rainbow reflections off of surfaces
>my vision also becomes super HD like see the dick on a fly a mile away HD
>I start freaking out a bit since I didn't know what I just took but I've had much worse trips so whatever
>the music from my 3ds starts leaking out of my speakers into a thick almost liquid gas around me
>it changes colour and texture depending on the area
>I start getting light headed so I lie on my back
>this is when things start getting weird
>I begin sinking into the ground slowly
>I go through the floor into the earth but I can still see the outside, like being out of bounds in a game
>I start sinking faster until I'm in the center of the earth and I can see everything on the globe.