>>37504464>You're fucking me with, right? Who kills innocent people over your own insecurities with life? Mentally ill autists butthurt at the world.When I say Grimer and Koffing are objectively bad for the world? No, they're walking pollution. They're a detriment to all other natural life.
All that said, I never said Lysandre wasn't evil.
>Pokemon is for battles and training, not fashion shows. You shouldn't be mad anyway since SM at least brought it back for you.I'm going to sound so fucking nitpicky here, but SM's options just weren't as good as XY's, IMO. Too much summer and beachwear, and the hairstyles weren't as nice. But I was pleased to see the feature return, yes.
People in general like to customize and personalize, anon. Do you nickname your Pokemon? It's sorta the same sentiment, only now you're extending it to the trainer. Because ultimately, the trainer is the first and last thing your opponent will see in a battle.
>The fuck? You do know every battle style requires more and more switching when there are an increase in the amount of Pokemon battlingWith parties still limited to six, your switching options shrink when you go into doubles and triples. It's also riskier since multiple Pokemon can gang up on whatever you switch into and KO it. Usually better to avoid it altogether.
>It's more about preferences with you rather then the overall quality of content, huh?We're talking about regional preferences here, so of course it's more about preferences. If you mean the games themselves, I've been arguing this entire time that I genuinely liked XY more as a game than ORAS. Sorry, anon.
>XY girls don't even register in the top 20 so you can't be serious right now.It's not necessarily about the girls. But XY did have the cutest generic trainers, that's for sure. Especially the Lass and Ace Trainer.
Not enough room to greentext the last point, but a good body can be totally ruined by a terrible outfit. That's why body is so "low."