>>37487884>Unova ChickoritaGrass/Dragon
Making their home in the forests surrounding Dragonspiral Tower, an unknown force called to them and awoken a memory long forgotten. The influence of the ancient ruins help reveal Chickorita's true power.
>Unova TotodileWater/Dark
Living in the dark, foul sewers beneath the region's cities has made these Totodile aggressive. They constantly fight for space and over food often stolen from the surface.
>Unova CyndaquilFire/Electric
Some Cyndaquil have taken up a subterranean lifestyle, choosing to live in the faint glow of Chargestone Cave. Sleeping by the warmth of the chargestones and eating the rubble have given these Cyndaquil an electrical charge and the ability to produce electricity. There a reports of Cyndaquil forgetting how to produce fire.