>>37563245The hilarious thing is he actually said that AFTER tentatively labeling SM "Gen VII?" (question mark and all) on his site when they were first announced, because he took the completely baseless "SM must be Kalos games because I'm butthurt I waited for Z" shitposting seriously enough to not dismiss it outright on the grounds that there was no evidence whatsoever SM had anything to do with XY. So he gave a bullshit rumor undeserved credibility, realized it was bullshit, and overcompensated by swinging the pendulum in the complete opposite direction only to be proven wrong AGAIN when USUM happened. Classic Joe.
>>37563364>literally>le inigo montoya faecMaking a blanket statement in regard to Thing A that's later disproven when it doesn't apply to Thing B, and admitting it doesn't apply to Thing B and that said blanket statement was wrong in retrospect, is not "literally" making the same statement in regard to Thing B. He never said USUM were gen 8. You just inferred he believed that because of his previous statement about SM being gen 7, when in reality he realized he was wrong and immediately acknowledged USUM as gen 7 like everyone else.
>>37563339>placeholderfags are still butthurt from occam's razor raping them in the ass"Waiting for official announcements" that a model composed of multiple deliberately constructed elements with expressive animations and a unique shiny palette in a Pokemon game was in fact intended to be a Pokemon and not a placeholder is pure and utter retardation. Every Pokemon game has placeholders, you know what they look like? A Bulbasaur. An egg. A fucking question mark. Things already in the game or trivial to create. "B-but its body is literally Ditto!" No, Ditto is literally Ditto. If they wanted to use Ditto as a placeholder they would have fucking done that and not added extra stuff for no reason. You were stupid and wrong, and stupidly wrong. Deal with it.