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Fuck off, Serebii

No.37566916 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Nobody with a brain came in expecting Pokemon, but to say that everything else considered was "solid," you're a Nintentard. How much is Nintendo paying you to say that a Direct is good or not?

Oh, great. A remake of a game charged at a full price nobody wanted. A port of another game that was released for 2 systems already charged at full price with slightly new features but marketed as a sequel because they know nobody will buy Super Mario Maker on Switch. Tetris Battle Royale. Spending times on JRPGs that only a select few people play. Creating DLC for games that don't get as much sales and support, and withholding good DLC for games that people actually want like in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Super Mario Odyssey. Nothing for Luigi's Mansion 3 AND Animal Crossing when we got at least teaser trailers for those games in September. Portable remakes of decades-old games that nobody really wants. Third-party titles that aren't compelling in the slightest aside from DQ. Only major game news that was actually worth watching was the Fire Emblem segment, and even then it is clearly a Pokemon GO clone.

For a nerdy, autistic fucking retard like you who plays Pokemon 99% of the time to say that this was an absolutely solid Direct is misleading as fuck. Fuck off cunt.