Alright, let's have some fun with this.
>>37572184You seem pretty chill. I get the sense you wanna go into engineering. Though, you're totally the sort who wishes Pokemon were real so you could go out and adventure with them, rather than have to worry about everyday life.
>>37572247Looks like a bro to me. You seem the sort that wants to do something adventurous that wouldn't make much money, if only to have cool stories to tell. Archaeology, maybe.
>>37572281You're really hoping for those Sinnoh remakes, aren't you? If I had to guess, you probably don't have many aspirations, and are pretty content with your life as it is.
>>37572315A connoisseur of cute things. You'd probably like your external appearance to match your inner personality, but are too embarrassed to do so. The dual bugs scream entomology, but that's probably not what you're about. I'm gonna guess theater instead.
>>37572566You seem really intense, but not in a bad way. Most anything you do, you'd probably do it passionately. Despite that, I'd guess your day job was something simple and not so exciting, like retail. I get the feeling you wanna travel the world someday, but don't really know how you're going to put together the funds to do so.
>>37572669You seem like a simple, honest fellow. You live life day to day. As outdated as it sounds, maybe farming would suit you.
>>37572793You also seem intense. In a bad way. I don't know why I get that vibe, but I get that "quiet but deadly" kinda vibe. Maybe athletics is your gig.
>>37572874You seem like a total weeb, not gonna lie. But you've got a story to tell. Start your damn webcomic already.
>>37572961You seem like the kinda guy people reply to with "based" a lot. An internet Chad. That being said, your aspirations are probably pretty dull, like IT or something. But I doubt you care if other people think it's dull.