[9 / 1 / ?]

474KiB, 1000x1480, pokemon-the-power-of-us-c1599a248c19d2bd71b176fd437db984.jpg
Quoted By: >>37575292 >>37575356 >>37575382
I just finished watching this movie for the first time.
It was pretty good but there was one thing that bothered me about.
The majority of the Pokemon in it were all from Gen 1-2. The only Pokemon that weren't were
>Zeraroara (the premier shillmon of the movie)
>Weavile (an evolution of a gen 2 mon)
Why do they ignore all the other Pokemon?
It was pretty good but there was one thing that bothered me about.
The majority of the Pokemon in it were all from Gen 1-2. The only Pokemon that weren't were
>Zeraroara (the premier shillmon of the movie)
>Weavile (an evolution of a gen 2 mon)
Why do they ignore all the other Pokemon?