>>37577573I didn't play beyond Gen 3 so I don't care
All the new pokes look like absolute shit anyway
Like this sun legendary (I don't even know its name; I don't care) - it just looks like a discount store Entei desu
All this >le beasts mythology jumped the shark
Every new super legendary basically pissed on and made irrelevant the previous ones
Kyogre/Groudon/Rayqaza were the last one that made sense, that didn't impede on and nullify the Mew and Mewtwo mythology. Although desu even Lati@s was pushing it.
Fuck, even Deoxys or whatever its called fucked things up. I don't even consider it canon.
Megas are fucking retarded.
And the special/physical move split of gen 4 (meaning you can have physical AND special moves of any type) ruined the in-game mechanics. Gen 3 was balanced perfectly between offense and defense. There was just enough reward in the risk of going the raw power route and just trying to smash everything before any defensive trainer/team could set up,.....JUST ENOUGH without actually making it the go-to strategy. Playing defensively/trickily was just as viable. Like I said, perfectly balanced. And there was a certain charm in using pokes with a high stat without stab - like Kingler and Crawdaunt - makes them rare and unpredictable. It was fun. But with the split thing, it basically gave pretty much every poke access to high power moves and totally tipped the scales in favor of attack instead of defense. It broke the game. There's no variety any more.