So, after playing through FRLG and Crystal, I can say that all of my experiences with Kanto have been boring. The distinct lack of interesting pokemon kills all variety in my team (all my kanto runs usually go Venusaur, Nidoking, Sedra, Kadabra, Scyther, and some HM slave) and all of the other regions have something that either makes them just a better version of Kanto or unique enough to be a different experience, even if it was poorly designed. I'm not saying that Kanto started off bad (I never played the original Red and Blue as a kid, so I wouldn't know how they first were nor do I have the nostalgia for the region), I'm just saying it has aged poorly. It's like if Mario made a complete 1:1 re-creation of world 1-1 for each starting level of their game: it gets stale after a while and there are so many more exciting levels to be played. I wish gamefreak would just let kanto die peacefully instead of making a re-visit every couple of years. ORAS may have sucked and some routes may not be the most fun to go through, but the first half of the game (i.e. the rubyer part) is great because of the route variety: we get a desert next to a volcano path and an ashy village right above it. The routes feel different yet not out of place. I could say the same for Sinnoh, but HMs sour the routes quite a bit. Unova, Kalos, and Alola routes feel the same despite attempting to have different aesthetics, but even so, they're still more inspired than Kanto. Kanto has aged poorly and the constant marketing just beats the dead region even further into the ground.