>>37616895The DSi had a volume rocker rather than a slider, so it doubled as a screen brightness rocker when holding down select.
It didn't break down at the screen hinges like the DS lite did.
It could download DSiWare, if you never saw Flipnote Hatena you really missed out.
It could also play music from an SD card.
The face buttons were tactile and precise and the shoulder buttons were longer lasting than on the DS lite, altrough they were still prone to failure.
At the cost of the GBA slot, it was the best way to experience the DS. If you want to go back now and not be disappointed, it's the only real way to go.
RNG abuse was a bitch though so keep a lite around if you don't want TIMER0 fuckery and want to do gen 3 to 4 transfers.
>>37617357Hack a 3DS and you'll get installed games and not carts, save game backup and cycling for all DS and 3DS games carts or not, the ability to launch DS roms without carts, and PKSM for injecting wonder cards and a homebrew pokemon bank that can do full get 4 to 7 and back transfers.
Make it a new 3DS and you'll get RGB/GC games in virtual console with the ability to transfer pokemon from those games with legitimate means, then all you need is a GBA emulator and you'll get all mainline pokemon games in a single handheld.
The later pokemon games might've been mediocre but the 3DS has brought the series unprecedented continuity.