I'm here to judge your Grass types.
>>376200474 out of 5. Gogoat is absolutely top tier, good choice.
>>376200854 out of 5. Lots of good taste here. Tropius is one of my all time favorites. Sceptile's not my favorite starter but not bad. Dhelmise and A-Exeggutor are neat just for their weird typing.
>>376201242 out of 5. Eh, it's alright. I find Leavanny kind of dull. Ferrothorn's good though.
>>376201532 out of 5. Whimsicott's cute. Vileplume's... okay. I prefer Gloom's other evolution.
>>376209253 out of 5. Kudos for picking the only grass fossil. He's delightfully weird.
>>376211113 out of 5. I've always liked Jumpluff. They're really whimsical. Too bad they can't learn Fly though. Soaring around with a dandelion would have been funny.
>>376211161 out of 5. I don't really like Serperior. One of the few grass types I'm not a fan of. Sorry.
>>376216704 out of 5. Grovyle's fine, but huge points for Ivysaur. I started with Bulbasaur, so I'll always be biased towards that line.
>>376218383 out of 5. Abomasnow's really cool despite the fire weakness. I love it's design.
>>376220714 out of 5. More great taste. Tsareena's existence as a blatant dominatrix reference is absolutely hysterical, Ludicolo is the king of the dance, Cradily's still good, and Trevenant is amazing all around, with great design and lore.
>>376221503 out of 5. Tropius! Still the best way to travel. Whimsicott remains cute.