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Pretty bad.
>No texture or detail on the pink crown shape and whatever that blue shape was intended to be
>That pink to dark pink gradient is awful. Lower the black content on the darker color. The light blue to blue one is not bad tho.
>Obnoxious stroke filled with some haphazard effect on the Pokemon logo. Doesnt look like crystals, which i think is what you were going for.
>speaking of stroke, they would never extend the stroke to the TM, or at least in that fashion. If you are gunna stroke the trademark symbol, you gotta add a much smaller stroke.
>No way in hell anyone would slap that eye sore light effect behind the stone. Learn how to tone down glows and lights. Notice how you cant even tell much detail in the stone, which should be the focus.
>try doing more than a simple click of a starbust brush for a background effect
>you not only did a simple click of the brush, you did it twice. If these were real, the background asset would be different between the two in some way, because that looks like laziness.
>The titles look so bright and obnoxious. You need perhaps a black stroke around the King and Queen, or perhaps somewhere inside the words. and you need to town down whatever layer effects you applied. That gradient is far too harsh.