Boy, "waifu" doesn't mean anything. I don't want to know how the real nerdboys in love with characters feel about fags slapping it on every character they wanna nut to.
>>37624167Nah he has a point. Jasmine was a standout character in the game who invoked moe from players due to her sweet demeanor and special predicament. Worked like a charm, I think I'll always have a thing for her.
See, if you're a zoomer and a brainlet who needs everything at face value, you'll expect "waifus" to be love interests for a male character or girls tryna make mah dick hard. If you're not, you'd know many "waifus" are neither. Moe is really an important component that rarely gets mentioned because discussions are increasing dominated by normalfags and weeaboos who are surprisingly dumber than the ones a decade or more ago.
>>37624210>FE or xenoblade girlsBoth those franchise have in common whiny fans scapegoating something their series has long had as a precedent. And here's something, FE in particular has a huge female fanbase in for the pretty boys. Which rarely comes up as people bitch about icky "waifus" in their precious children's games. Both male and female characters are being made very appealing, to both male and female fans. Hell, the thought of Lilliefags conjures up creepy lolicon otaku, and they exist, but Lillie has a lot of female fans. Girls like pretty girl characters too.