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All types explained

No.37630246 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Evening, /vp/. Today I will do a reading of all pokémon types and my personal theories about them. Feel free to join me and comment!

>The Normal Type

Normal pokémon are just that: pokémon. They don't have any elemental attributes, and most of their attacks consist of simply smacking the foe with average force (Headbutt, Body Slam, Tackle) or energy-based moves with no elemental attachment (Hyper Beam, Swift). A Normal type attack is defined by simply hitting a foe with an average attack, no elements attached to it.

>no offensive matchups

As they're plain attacks, they don't do any extra damage to any other type. Normal attacks are just headbutts, tackles, slashes, etc.

>resisted by rock and steel

As they're just plain attacks, they're not strong enough to pierce tough minerals such as rock and steel. Additional force is required to throughly damage the pebbles, and that's where fighting type comes in.

>can't damage or be damaged by ghosts

A slam or a headbutt can't hit a ghostly ethereal body. Likewise, an ethereal body can't hit a solid, neutral lifeform. They just can't touch each other, basically like you touching a cloud: neither feels anything.