[32 / 4 / ?]
I've lost faith in GameFreak at this point, and gen 8 has hit hard in order to get me buy it, so let's discuss what would make the game worth buying. 1.) features you would like added into the game 2.) what you would like to return in the newer games 3.) what should be cut out of the game and or needs to be reworked Example: 1. Hard mode as an option, a more open game I don't care if story has to take a back seat so I can explore the region more I don't play Pokemon for the story, I play it for journey with you and your Pokemon. 2. Pokemon that fallow you/ride Pokemon no more random encounters, just give the Pokemon AI so they can chase you down if you get close to them or run away from you, maybe make it so natures effect this, like a timid Pikachu will flee from you, and brave Pikachu will chase you, if dragon quest can do it so can Pokemon. customizable trainer's and battle styles, and make the list of outfits better please USUM options we so bland, XY had more meaningful options, bring nurse joy's outfit back, and add her hairstyle and and color as options, make a playable Joy I'm not a huge fan of these, but for the people that like these features make mega/Z-moves available earlier on in the game, make it a optional side quest in the game that give you access to them, if you don't like it can ignore it and if you do, you don't have wait for it as long. Regional variants that extend past gen 1. 3. Handholding at least make it so if play on hard mode the game removes the tutorials, just make it stop, LGPE came out so shut the hell up about Kanto already, I love RBY but can't take it anymore, stop bastardizing Kanto already. Fix the EXP-Share make it optional, and make it so when Pokemon level up from it get less EV's and IV's, Or it give Less EXP, Or remove it in hard mode.
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at least 97 new pokemon,non-shit graphics and a non-tropical region is the bare minimum. They've been working on this game since like 2015, and honestly we deserve a good game after the atrocity that Gen 7 is.
>>37636361 Mega evolutions need to go
If they can't do 3D models right just go back to sprites, just make higher quality sprites, I don't get why everything needs to be 3D Sprites have pretty far and can look amazing.
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Here's my list>100-ish new pokemon >Gyms, or something more creative than trials >Better story/better feeling of adventure >No more fluffy rivals (Gen 6) or if they are, at least give them a fleshed out character. Like Hau, but better >Giving ice type a buff, or having earlier-game ice types instead of late game >Hard mode (like seriously, this one isn't even difficult to do) >Skippable tutorial >More in-depth character customization (like height, weight, skin tone, hairstyle, general age range) right at the beginning of the game. Additional clothes and haircuts could still be purchasable in-game of course >Open enough that you can hit whichever gym/equivalent whenever after the first one That's about all I got
>>37636361 I bought every game except for ORAS, LGPE and USUM (though I love SM) so really just needs to be better than those. I just want lots of Pokemon to fall in love with again. I dislike remakes and 3rd versions quite a bit, IMO the only 2 gens that needed to be remade were 1 and 2, I don't want anymore, even BW which are my favorites
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>>37636397 Get fucked, we need more megas.
>>37636421 Get a job and buy a switch
>>37636397 Imagine having such a shit opinion
Aww, did someone beat you with a mega? :((((
>>37636451 Gonna be pretty hard to be better than ORAS, being based off the already best games in the franchise
>>37636466 Megas are shit though. You don't actually think this is a good design do you?
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>>37636473 Yeah 5 7 3 are my favorites but I don't want to support remakes. I'm pretty optimistic so I like to imagine GF makes them for more money to support the next gen, but who knows
>100+ new Pokemon not counting legendaries >skip button >more features for Amie >more things to do with your Pokemon other than just battling i.e. contests, racing, surfing, diving... >Battle Pyramid that isn't tied to online like the Battle Agency >better story >option to use owned Pokemon as Ride Pokemon >decorations for your Pokemon >Secret Bases >more character customization My waifu making a small cameo in gen 8 would also be nice, but it's not necessary.
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>>37636490 I unironically do. Would've made more sense as a regular Evo though
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>>37636361 >Running way faster >Letting us skip not just "cutscenes" but dialog >Being able to skip the battle intro's >mapping shortcuts to buttons both in and out of battle >Move reserves so that you don't need to decline a useless move all the time and remove move relearners Anonymous
>>37636497 what's her name? Anonymous
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Free roaming Remove z moves
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- 100 new pokemon - some sort of representation of every type (having something similar to the Riddler's house or the fighting family) - side quests - an option to skip the tutorial - in game events that change based on seasons (similar to BW having the layout and accessibility change depending on the season) - pokemon refresh - region variants - base/room customization + outfit customization - more pokemon battle animations
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>>37636361 catch system like in pokemon go
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>>37636490 "Here, let me cherry pick a design"
There are plenty of nice Mega Designs though, and yeah, I kinda like Mega Hera
Pokemon are tools for battling. I really don't give a shit how they look as I'm not a casual
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>hard Mode avaliable from the start, and it cuts tutorials short >No more Kanto trash everywhere >less linear routes from city to city and real dungeons, which have been missing since gen 5
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Stop it with the 3D battles They look worse than Pokemon Battle Revolution and that was 11 years ago
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No more chibi Models
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>>37636361 New mechanic tied to breeding and berries.
underground thing from gen4
Post game and main plot need works also connect them to older games.
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>>37636508 Bianca. It'd be nice to see her a little older than her B2/W2 self to see if she became a Pokemon professor or moved on to something else. Anonymous
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>>37636439 I support this. If it allows pokemon to be more expressive then go for it
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better character customization 100 new pokemon gym leaders back you can skip cutscenes better story finally can skip the tutorial more regional variants
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>No nostalgia pandering, that includes other regions too >No new gimmick >Online equal to PSS >Greater focus on new Pokémon, with small to zero amount of legendaries >Post-game more than “here’s your Battle Tower clone and special episode” I’m not asking for the best Pokémon game ever, but even I don’t expect this to happen
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>>37636361 I just want a Pokemon game with a good story and 3 dimensional characters, Like BW but with more depth.
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>>37636361 >100+ new pokemon >60+ hours main story >Diffculty settings >No go shit >Good online >Streamline EVs/IVs making them easy to get >30+ hour postgame with a battle frontier and/or mini-games Anonymous
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>>37636361 if nintendo fired game freak and hired atlus to make an actually good game.