>>37656480Back when I was 16 and still used Tumblr, I remember following actual trans people, and they all thought like you do. Trans as a trend was only just beginning, or in any case, it was just starting to be spread. The people I followed were convinced it'd be just a fad, because they couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that some people actually took something so serious, so debilitating, as a "cool" thing to add to their bios to seem more special and "unique". Whenever they tried to speak up as the true trans they were, they were immediately silenced and called bigots, which is absurd. Another thing that I saw often and greatly bothered these people I followed, is that, say they were a ftm and instead of calling him a he, which is what he identified as, instead of recognizing him as such, they called him "a trans man", never simply "a man". One of them got so pissed off, saying that always adding the "trans" beforehand reminded him that he'd never fully actually be a man and it seriously hurt him, but transtrenders didn't care because "you have to let it be known at all times you're trans! It's a statement!". Is it so hard to simply acknowledge them as the gender they see themselves at? Not everyone is doing it to appear quirky, to make a list of labels or to "make a statement", they just want to live their lives and be recognized properly. Now, 8 years later, and I've never have imagine things would go to hell like they did, and since this is a Pokemon board, the other day someone linked a blog where people identified as legendaries and claimed it was a legitimate gender?? And some messages told them how insulting it was but all their replied with was "fucking truscum, every gender is valid!!1!"