>>37741434Hey, I get it, dear anon, I do. I prefer just thinking of it as a badass tiger who happens to have a wrestler gimmick, but I definitely came to adore the memey-hammy persona side of it over time as well. I guess I ought say if someone gets off to pokemon that's fine, it just was rough for a while as a Littenfag who liked all the line but found too little cool/cute content of Roar.
True that on Primabros though. I appreciated those sealfags who stuck up for the cat as well so I tried to be kind in turn if it ever came up in starter wars. Too bad shitposting killed the owlfag fanbase forever even if I'll miss Comedy Relief Anon's delusions.
I'm morbidly curious on how these starters will be remembered once Alola's truly in the past, though, besides the obvious 'not much'.