alright time to continue this
>>37775144lives in the southeast united states
>>37775505judges pokemon heavily by their english names
>>37775965doesn't like cute pokemon very much
>>37776102has a hard on for HGSS
>>37776213whacks it to lopunny
>>37776309is a very serious person IRL
>>37776324was born in September or October
>>37776365has a deviantart account
>>37776421is lazy IRL
>>37776490age: mid-30s
>>37777857your favorite game is one of the gen 3 games
>>37778315likes XY but thought it had a bad story
>>37778705probably posts in /padt/ a lot
>>37778717i dont hate trans people but you're not wrong and bruxish shouldn't exist because of that
>>37778794does actually hate trans people
>>37779033works at a job he hates
>>37779094isn't really that into pokemon
>>37779226has a girlfriend/boyfriend
>>37780879browses instagram frequently
>>37780907follows james turner's twitter account (unimaginably based taste)
>>37781181you spend too much time on /vp/
>>37781210had pokemon cards as a kid
>>37781274owns some unique pet
>>37781306plays the TCG some
>>37784475is very adamant about pokemon he doesn't like
>>37784886idk what to say about this. i guess you're probably mad that smash doesn't have waifumon reps
>>37784897you got into pokemon via some medium other than picking up a game and playing it
>>37786267you're very old. like over 45.
>>37786745you use discord very frequently
alright guess that's it for now. also if you're gonna be like "haha you're wrong", at least have the audacity to tell me which one yours is