>>37815418I swear, I feel like I'm going crazy.
I keep seeing people say "but London is in the North and the girls hat is Scottish!" as if it is some cold hard evidence that the entire fucking map has been flipped over. Not like Game Freak has been creative with juggling IRL landmarks and locations in the past or anything. Hell it's not just London, ALL of the UK locations and landmarks in Galar have been moved around somewhat.
People keep posting these retarded warped flipped images, or images of the map with EXTREMELY generous outlines to try and prove that it's a more accurate UK map when flipped. But it's retarded, it doesn't take into account that even after flipping the map, the landmarks are STILL not in the right places, you've just moved London south. And the Geography is even more fucked up. And the "Scotland" area consists of blatantly English multi-colored fields and the fucking Lake District.
>b-but the lake might be Lock Ness!Or it could be one of dozens of UK lakes, and look how close it is to the English location people have already accepted is the Lake District.
So what are we left with? The starting town is Scotland just because of the girls hat? Do people not realize she's wearing attire traditional of all the UK countries? The boy too.
Why would Game Freak make an entire second country represented in Galar, something never done before, and why would it only be represented by one single starting town? And if it is Scotland, why does Ireland and Wales not get any representation still?
>inb4 dumbfucks trying to claim that the snowy city is supposed to be Wales>inb4 dumbfucks try to use the mountains as proof when the mountains in the north around London are still much bigger and fitting for where Scotland would traditionally be