>>37829187>pangolinSandslash is a pangolin.
>AnacondaYeah good idea.
>GorillaFingers crossed for Grookey evo.
>KiwiKiwis are cool and all, but I thinkk the Kea would be a better pick. It's the world's only parrot that lives in snowy mountains (NZ mountains).
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kea>>37824204That is a fluffball, unlike flamingos which are lanky. Also it isn't water or flying.
>>37823997>capybaraYes, good suggestion. I'm surprised there isn't already an early game normal type based on the capybara.
>>37822572>kanghaskhan is a kangarooShe's definitely meant to be a kangaroo, but she's really bad. Kangaroos are not 7 foot tall armoured reptiles with fangs. Also normal type? WTF is that. A kangaroo should be fighting, or ground, or even grass.
>>37823099>Orcas are dolphinsThey look different to, and are much larger than, 90% of dolphin species. Most people would not be aware that they are dolphins. They're even called "killer whales".
>>37824036>Bearded vultureMandibuzz and Braviary kind of fit.