Grass / Rock
Pun on music, stick gets stone tips and starts playing on stone drums. Turns into a bulky physical threat. Things like Stone Edge, Wood Hammer, Thrash, and Outrage fill out some of its move pool.
Fire / Electric
Gets a sleek, football (soccer) player like appearance, with lightning bolts giving the impression of a jersey. Frail as shit mixed attacker with a few suicide moves like Wild Charge and Flare Blitz.
Water / Steel
Slower, bulky mon with a lean towards special attacks. An armored semi-aquatic lizard with frills and crests based off of Sobble's head fin. It gets some light manipulating moves like Flash Cannon, Mirror Shot, and watery moves like Mist, Scald, and Aquajet. It also gets a few nods to disappearing like Camouflage.