[7 / 3 / ?]

80KiB, 594x408, Shinzo+Abe+David+Cameron+Shinzo+Abe+Visits+3YI48nSSMyhl.jpg
Quoted By: >>37826307 >>37826353 >>37827412 >>37828583
>satoshi/ash travels to new region
>this time ash is more mature than sun/moon
>he meets shield-chan and starts feeling attraction for her
>ash realises he actually love this cute foreigner girl
>he starts trying to court with her
>both satoshi and shield chan falls in love
>they think in their future and maybe a family
>satoshi represents male common japanese while shield chan represents the foreings beauty
>both find a way to love and reproduce
abe-san plan is perfect and uk gov supports it
>this time ash is more mature than sun/moon
>he meets shield-chan and starts feeling attraction for her
>ash realises he actually love this cute foreigner girl
>he starts trying to court with her
>both satoshi and shield chan falls in love
>they think in their future and maybe a family
>satoshi represents male common japanese while shield chan represents the foreings beauty
>both find a way to love and reproduce
abe-san plan is perfect and uk gov supports it