I didn't put Wormadam because otherwise it would've been less interesting. Gen 5 has so many awful designs along with great ones.
>>37839347Octillery, Numel, Scrafty and Banette are among my favs, bad chart: 3/18
>>378393847/18, but still many I don't care about, except Druddigon and a couple others
>>37839515Tangela is awesome, shut up. 6/18
>>378395718/18, I really agree on that Litleo, such a dumb face. I sadly love Elekid, Magby and Fraxure and Buzzwole best UB
>>378396169/18, meme or not you picked some of the worst at least. But I can't get why Maractus is worse than Carnivine and Escavalier than Burmy or Wormadam.
>>378396426/18, Volcanion sucks indeed.
>>378397247/18, can't say much, I find some really cute but I get why some dislike Pignite or Trubbish
>>378397345/18, Barbaracle will be one of the most clever design imo. I really like it.
>>37839768Sad to see Hitmonlee, the best Tapu and a few others but not too much to complain about: 13/36
>>378398424/18, Kricketune is such a letdown
>>378399401/18, literally only Jynx.
>>37839976Read OP
>>378400401/18, just Hypno, but still many meh mons
>>378400605/18, I get the reasons why you chose each one of those. Except Amaura.
>>378400886/18, thank God someone put Chansey. Still waiting for Arceus
>>378401498/18, I fucking love Tyrogue tho
>>3784023111/24, making them shiny is much worse
>>378406929/18, Giratina (along with Kyurem) got saved by a worse Dragon in my chart, good thing someone else put it
>>378407375/18 thank you for reminding how Shiftry is such a downgrade
>>378408736/18 Golisopod is disappointing just for its ability
>>37840883Breloom and Ledian would be on my fav chart, nonetheless 5/18
>>378410934/18 Marshtomp is held down by its in-game model. And for me Leavanny>Swadloon
>>378419505/18 Garchomp is shit