>>37929602Giovanni is less than simple, he's boring. I do not hold any fondness for him even with my nostalgia, because there's nothing entertaining about him even in his simplicity. Ghetsis is simple, but he's entertaining. I like Cyrus, since the writing for him isn't too up its own ass, biting off more than it can chew with him. I feel like this was a problem with N, whom I still like, but the writing quality was just not up to par to handle the themes it was tackling. Lysandre is a worse Cyrus.
I never played ORAS but I know they revise Archie and Maxie's characters in that. Much has been said about their dumb plans, so I won't really bother touching on that. In RSE they're caught in this weird in-between state, they have larger ambition but their characterization and writing is as boring as Giovanni. They also started the trend of the villain team going after the box legendaries to use their power. This is something we weren't mercifully spared from until Gen 7, which instead graces us with the problem of too much plot.
SM Lusamine would have been the best villain if we actually got to fight her in jellyfish mode.