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No.37965956 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Not only did you rancid fucking parasites buy this game, but you are STILL too fucking delusional to even apologize for doing so. Well I'm too mad for an apology, it wouldn't mean anything coming from a stupid piece of shit like you anyways. I hope you live with humiliation for the rest of your life for supporting this trash. I hope you get ostracized from your friends and family as your intelligence loses any modicum of credibility. I hope the shame follows you until your elderly years as even your infant grandchildren instinctually know what a human failure you are. I hope the fact that you bought this game gets etched on your gravestone so everyone can laugh at you as you hopefully burn in hell. Not even dogs would bother pissing on your worthless gravesite. You stupid fucking PIECE OF SHIT. Also fuck you, for the record.