>>379669075/6, very nice team over all
>>379671353/6, pretty middle of the road
>>379671436/6, I like any Monotype team
>>379690844/6, pretty good
>>37969116Very cute team, even the Tyranitar. Espc. the Tyranitar
>>37969190I like the Supernatural theming, gj
>>37969194I am intrigued. I approve of it.
>>37969488Science Team. I lke it. Very good.
>>37970060Once again, monotype is always good, even if your team just beats mine
>>37970095Noivern is always a treat to see, the rest are fine
>>37970268Odd and small team. I like it
>>37970390Very waifuy, not m y cuppa but whatever
>>37970426Stronk man the team, I assume
>>37970427I like it. The Glaceon is odd aesthetically, but hey
>>37970583Very chunky, but very clean. Good.
>>37970686I like the Aron, and Monotype is always nice
>>37970702Uhh, not sure about it. Pretty bleh for me, but you like what you like
>>37970733More you want to fuck your pokemon: The team?
>>37970746Very pussy, I approve. Cats are always nice
>>37970828Close enough. Nice looking team
>>37970985Noivern will make me like any team, so good job.
>>37971528Too nostalgic for me, but eh
>>37971590odd, but comfy. I like