>>37989423>How do I start? How can I start?Usually when someone says something like this, it's means they're suffering from chronic fatigue, which could be caused by all sorts of things ranging from overeating, oversleeping, porn-masturbation-orgasm (PMO) addiction, isolation, or any number of factors outside of one's control.
Start small. This is a Pokemon board so I'll give you a Pokemon analogy: Think your goal as the Elite 4. You can't just walk into the league and take them on. You need to get the eight badges first. Even if you could just waltz in, you'd get trounced if all you have is your starter and a mon you caught on Route 1.
Start with the lowest of the lowest of baby steps. Resolve to do a few pushups a day. Clean your room. Spend ten minutes cleaning up junk files on your computer desktop, even. Something small enough to handle.
Then work your way up from there until you can see a professional. I know it probably sounds like shilling, but seeing a professional will give you a direct way to interact with someone that wants you to achieve your best interests.
If you're afraid of going out, consider a Skype service, or a phone service, or even a chatroom service if all the alternatives are too much. Work your way up. If money is an issue, there are free or otherwise inexpensive alternatives typically provided by the government with little to no downside aside from potential wait lists.
>>37989491You don't need to become normal by any means. You should just be able to be happy with yourself. Living in isolation isn't bad, but if you're suffering with it then you should consider solving the issue first.