[88 / 20 / ?]
> Around 95 new Pokémon,there's no cross-generational evolutions again. > there's not many legendary Pokémon this time around just the main legendary trio, a legendary duo and 3 mythicals. > Meltan and Melmetal are in the regional Pokédex and are given to you as a gift, > No Kalos post-game at all > Guzma from Pokemon Sun and Moon makes a cameo in the game and you can battle him, he has only a golisopod...likely meaning that the wimpod family is in the regional dex (not a guarantee). > Regional Forms aren't back and you can only get Alolan forms with Pokebank. > Ultrabeasts more of the same, there's no new ones and you can't get them in the game unless you transfer them with Pokebank. > The bug/dragon leak is real and it's part of a 3 stage evolutionary family, he's actually the 2nd stage of the family. > Some new Pokemon i know off: > Pokemon based on a custard has a similar body type to the Dragon Quest monster "mudraker" and it has a ceramic dish as "legs". > A cloud-like humanoid femenine pokemon that floats, its like a mix of a cloud and a lady, it seems to be ice type. > A hairy goblin evolutionary line, they seem to have a lot of furr, they kinda resemble a lion with that fur, they're a wacky pokemon... > Electric bird evolutionary family, however they're likely not the regional bird since it's a 2 stage family seems to be based on the Parus Major?. > Bug-on-a-boot evolutionary family, its first stage resembles some sort of larva hidding on a boot, likely bug type..no idea if it has a 2nd type ... >...an umbrella fish?, probably the weirdest fish i've ever seen it's a weird mix of an umbrella with a fish...he can even close the "umbrella" as he pleases it seems? no idea of it's typing, but likely pure water. > a pokemon based on some sort of automaton robot, it's part of a 2-evolutionary line...and it's like pretty much a small cute robot that radiates smoke out of his body, it seems to be Steel/Fire.
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
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I couldn't type everything because the "field too long" error pooped up, so i'll write the rest of the information i know in awhile, please stay tuned.
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Yeah sure, I totally believe you!
When have leaks like this EVER been real on /vp/? Spoiler: never.
> Meltan and Melmetal are in the regional Pokédex and are given to you as a gift, If you are going to make fake leaks don't include meltan and melmetal. These are gen 7 pokemon. Not gen 8 pokemon.
>>37994677 Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle are given as gifts in XY and none of them are from gen 6
>>37994686 They are to introduce the Mega Evolution mechanic. What purpose would Meltan serve?
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>>37994635 Sounds bad enough to be true
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>>37994689 Armor evolutions
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>>37994689 Access to Pokemon that doesn't require the Go series
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>>37994677 >Introduced into a Gen 8 game >hurr dur it's gen 7 LGPE are Gen 8 games.
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>>37994635 This looks disappointing enough to be real.
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>>37994635 > there's not many legendary Pokémon this time around confirmed fake right here
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
I've pretty much seen most of the new pokemon, i didn't pay much atention of their typings unfortunately so i only know about 2 or 3 of them, also i dont know much about the mythicals either just that they do in fact exist.> A Ghost pokemon that is pretty much a sandal with a blanket as it's body it has no legs, it's really creepy... > A Grass/Rock Pokémon (I know this one because i really liked how it looked) its a plant pokemon that has minerals as it's fruit, it has an evolution that's pretty much a "just gets bigger" version of it. > a weird bipedal lizard-like pokemon that has 2 plates in it's arms that when put togheter can be used as a shield or even some sort of rollout vehicle for the pokemon. Other info:> No, there's not battle frontier at all. > Dificulty seems to be the same of Sun and Moon for what i've seen, but of course i haven't seem much in-game at all, so i could be wrong here. > Game seems to have a focus on story and characters rather than the traditional adventure/exploring aspect > Megas and Z-Moves are back > A new minigame called: Pokémon Fashion Galore were you can compete with other NPC oponents dressing up your pokemon and make them pose to the camera in a runway... and yup that's it. >
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>>37994783 I want to make my pokemon dress up and sashay down runways for my amusement so I have to believe you now
>>37994783 what about of starters final forms?
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This sounds shitty enough to be true, hope it was written by a Groudonfag
>>37994804 I too wish to know which one is the feminine fuckable one
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Faker than Michelle Obama's penis.
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
Do you guys want me to draw some of the new pokemon in paint? Keep in mind that i don't have good artist skills...so the quality of them might not be the best...if good at all.
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>>37994635 Ultrabeasts pokebank only? When they were supposed to be originally foto this game ? Yeah...
The next time maybe u have to be more prepared before u decide to make a fake leak...
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>>37994677 If that was a rule, they'll never appear in a mainline game.
Thank god though because I absolutely hate them Anonymous
>>37994852 just the final starters, plz
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
Custard line. (could be missing a few details since obviously i dont remember every single detail, but you get the picture i hope)
>>37994898 So you made this thread just for using it to show your 3-years old fakemon skill, eh?
Is it the monkey or the bunny that's the feminine one Yes I'm that anon Yes I'm depraved don't judge me I need this
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
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Cloud femenine Pokemon line
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
>>37994922 The bunny and the grass one both look femeine to me.
Anyway, i dont care much about the staters so i didnt pay much atention to them.
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
>>37994919 They're a drawings of the pokemon i saw, as i said i dont have drawing skills at all so of course they won't look very good.
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>>37994958 You motherfucker don't get my hopes up like that
Please continue
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>>37994968 draw the final starters
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>>37994677 >"These are gen 7 pokemon." >he still thinks they weren't Gen 8 previews Anonymous
>>37994958 They're literally the first 9 pokemons you see. I'd understand if you didn't know the 75th or heck, even the last few ones.
But so far the only infromation everyone has is the starter. And anyone who's gonna see the full dex is going to see that first. But yeah, for some reason, you conveniently ignored them because "you don't care much about them."
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>>37994988 because they will be revealed first and all their string of lies would fall down sooner
see guys, the secret to being a "Leaker" is to give ambiguous information, if you give a very specific information it is easy to notice your false shit
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
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Goblin pokemon line
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
>>37994988 I didnt say i couldn't draw them, just that i dont care about the starters of this gen very much, probably my least favourite...so i didnt pay much atention from them also the regular pokemon are far more interesting than the starters this gen.
But if you want me to draw them let me finish the regular pokemon first, then ill draw the starters.
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>>37994669 ok you and i both know that's not true anon
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>>37995035 What do the starters final egos look like? Does the bunny look more like loping in final Evo, or is it bulky, or a mix in between? What about the monkey? Does it carry the stick and did it get larger or is it in its hair? And did the lizard turn out like greninja in final Evo?
>>37995035 AKA it mean "Let me have some time to fake starter evolve first, i didn't plan it when made this fake leak" correct?
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>>37994669 USM and LGPE were both leaked with almost total accuracy on this board, and they're just the most recent examples. The LGPE leak came months before the games had even been announced.
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
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Man, the 2nd stage was hard to draw, so i apology for the bad quality. Electric bird line.
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
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>>37995077 No. i knew the evolutions of the starters, because i know most of the new pokemon, so be patient.
>>37995050 Okay, i'll draw him along with the evolution.
Are there any new dog mons? Also, before you draw the starters, what did the typings seem like to you?
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
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bug in boot line.
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
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Umbrella fish.
Lots of "leakers" working for GF all gonna get fired lol
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How many of these pointless “totally 100% real” leak pages are there gonna be? Seriously, just stop. No one is believing this bullshit
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>>37995216 if they're making shit games like this, maybe that's a good thing
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
line 7.
Okay guys, leave me around 20 minutes to rest a bit, im a bit tired of drawing.
I'll be back to draw the 3 left pokemon and the starters soon.
>>37995117 Yep, there's a new dog Pokemon.
Pretty hard to say honestly, they didnt seem like they were from any typing...grookey seemed a bit dark.
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
Please bump the thread if i don't come back in 30 minutes, a delay could happen since i have to go out for a bit.
>>37995329 lets not bump guys this is fake anyways
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>>37995357 okay but muh dick needs hope
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>>37995284 >they didnt seem like they were from any typing... gookey seemed a bit dark. yeah ok, bud
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Bump for le starter evolutions
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
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Shield lizard line (The evo didnt fit in the drawing)
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
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Mineral Rock Plant
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
Probably the weirdest pokemon of all time. This is also the final pokemon of the list, meaning that is time to draw the starters...
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>>37995788 > Probably the weirdest fakemon i made of all time i fixed it for you, thx me later!
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This is fucking retarded and anyone who believes any of this also is
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>>37995788 >lets draw the starters at the end so all the retards wont loose interest in me based faggot
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>>37994635 >> Guzma from Pokemon Sun and Moon makes a cameo in the game and you can battle him, he has only a golisopod...likely meaning that the wimpod family is in the regional dex (not a guarantee). This is the point I knew it was fake. A real has solid information, not wishy washy BS.
3/10 bretty bad
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
Here's scorbunny evo, guys :)
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
>>37995931 >haha those retards believed all my shit! Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
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This thread is embarrassing.
Verlake !dR7WV1bjfM
>>37995945 It was obviously fake, this thread proves how gullible some of you guys are.
This is why you never fall for text leaks or draw leaks, hope this leak teach you a leason and stop beliving bullshit leaks, thank you!
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>>37994783 I'm so glad this isn't true
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>>37995035 show me waifu monkey
>>37995993 Yeah it was obviously fake you shitdump. All of those faggots who "believed" you, were clinging to there hope that it might be real. So how about not being this desperate for attention the next time. Nobody needs your shit fake leaks
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>>37996062 It seems like you're salty bro, maybe you're the faggot that believed him after all.
>>37995993 People were humouring you because there have been multiple real text leaks here before and you never know when another might roll around. Good job outing yourself as a newfag.
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ebin thread. Totally wasted 33 people's time considering everyone had to draw shitmons on paint and respond type all these replies 10/10 wud believe agen
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>no new regional forms >no new mega evolutions Sounds legit ;_;
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>>37995993 >Gotcha!!!!!! Taught you a lesson!!!! Do you really think you're some wise trickster sage or something
Anyway thanks for entertaining my dick's hopes it was nice using you
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>>37995993 people said you were bullshit the second you started posting
get over yourself, megafag, you need to be 18 to post here
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as soon as you mentioned that "leaked" pokemon you just confirmed this is fake
>>37994783 >Focus on story instead of adventure Please be fake
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>>38001046 Even though OP is a fag, he’s probably right with regard to this
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$10 that Verlis makes/made a video on this """""leak""""".
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>>37994635 > there's not many legendary pokemon this time around, just the main legendary trio, a legendary duo and 3 mythicals > 8 legendaries > not that many legendaries this time around Pick one