Playing through X again, decided to do mono psychic. While looking over this I realized I won't have a mega, I would ditch it for Slowbro but that was added in ORAS so rip. Shout outs to Lunabro though, it's the carry rn
>>38019231Based dirt horse
>>38019276Based game and type
>>38019394Pretty decent all around
>>38019450look at this dude
>>38019612Based type
>>38019972>playthrough>primal groudon>latiosI take it back, look at this dude
>>38020096Starmie is always a option, or if you aren't looking solely for a water type you could go for Hypno or Mr. Mime
>>38020126You could always go with the classic Soul Silver
>>38020285Best of luck lad, may the Steelix carry the fuck outta you
>>380203517/10 too many waifus
>>38020642Replace shillmon with Lillipup and get a Stunfisk or Drillbur
>>38021780Be rid of Crabrawler now, before he breaks your heart. Crabominable was the worst thing GF has ever created.
>>38021781A thousand times yes. At least you have a mudsdale though