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Escape the Prison

No.38022765 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's play a game. First, generate six pokemon. This is your team.

You are in a castle, trapped in a prison underground. You can only use each pokemon once.

1] The first pokemon you generated helps you try to break the steel bars of the prison. Can you escape using any of their moves?

2] You race through the underground path. A guard dog Granbull appears in the doorway and fights your second generated pokemon.
(It uses a move: post ending 0-2 Fire Fang, post ending 3-6 Ice Fang, post ending 7-9 Thunder Fang)
If Granbull hits you super effectively, you die here.

3] You hurry forwards, racing up a narrow stairwell. At the top, you find a door held shut with a heavy metal bar. It's too heavy for you to lift, only a strong pokemon can do it for you. Can your third generated pokemon help?

4] Success! You're now on ground level, and you run towards the exit. A swarm of Beedrill see you, follow you, and shoot Fell Stingers in your direction. You duck behind a wooden cabinet, but the stingers are destroying it quickly. You release your fourth generated pokemon. Can it find a super effective move to stop the Beedrill?

5] You race out the main door, crossing the drawbridge. Another guard dog, a Houndoom, Headbutts you off the drawbridge and into the moat below. You have just enough time to release your fifth generated pokemon before you hit the water hard, limp and dazed. Can this pokemon help you out of the water?

6] Soaking wet, you emerge on the bank of the moat, ready to run. The Houndoom comes over and launches one massive Smog attack to end you once and for all. You release your sixth generated pokemon to clear the poisonous gas from the air... but have they any attack that will work?

And that's it! If you get this far, you have beaten all enemies and escaped the prison! How did you do?