Picking the theme music is the hardest part for me lmao. I picked a battle theme, but if I had an encounter theme it'd be "Ode to an African Violet - Mort Garson"
I'm just going to rate the one's I like moreso because if I were to rate all there'd be a lot of "You seem cool but your page is a bit bland". Idk I may be one to talk myself but I dont want to waste people's time ig.
>>38057645Good theme music, Batta's stuff is some of my favorite. Team is pretty strong but also good picks besides Venusaur. Same can be said for the reserves, although I'm not a big fan of Ursaring or Pidgeot.
>>38057937I picked my team based of moreso off comfy travel companions/ favs, but I love the more machine-like or artificial pokemon. Team is really cool, good on you for sticking with not just one type (and Castform). Also, no matter how straight and steel-y you are it seems everyone likes chocolate chip cookies.
>>38058770Mono-bug/ Mono-Steel are probably tied for my favorite monotype teams, and you have really good picks. I like the aesthetic you chose to stick with as well. Motorbike is a really good choice for transport (far better than a shitty vespa lmao) and I really like the bag being more practical as well.
>>38064133I like the whole vibe of this one. Theme definitely fits a time traveler vibe haha, with a sentient mass of gears next to a dinosaur.
>>38064843This might be my favorite in the whole thread, something totally different and super well done. team is really well done, as is the whole character itself. I like Would travel with for sometime so long as my Aegislash isn't uh, "pacified". Overall good work dude, It's a well done concept.
>>38073951Doesn't seem like you'd travel with others, but also someone in this thread I'd consider traveling with.Super cool concept. Pokemon choices are pretty good as well, and i think that the outfit and "lore" is pretty charming as well.
I'm probably going to make a shorter template as well. this one is too long imo.