>>38083214Seriously? GF are wasting the UK, legends, myths and the wildlife to make decent Pokemon.
-no leaks about a Blackadder Pokemon.
-The starters should have been:
1. A Grass/Dark Rose Lion (red normal and White shiny)
2. Water/Steel Swan based on a knight with dagger like feathers.
3. A Fire/Fairy Unicorn, a horn that is either strengthened or broken by its trainers loyalty to it.
-A Giant Giant Legendary (Ground/Fighting)
-Leprachaurn Mythical (Fairy/Fighting)
-A Quadraped Dragon Legendary (Dragon/Flying)
-Spring Heel Jack Legendary (Dark/Fire)
-Beast of Dartmore (Ghost/Dark) Mythical
-Bagpipe Pokemon (Normal/Fairy)
-A Kinght Legendary (Based on St George) Steel/Fighting
-A Legendary Wizard (Based on Merlin) Psychic/Fairy.
-King of Legends (based on King Arther) Ghost/Fighting can link up with Aegislash as an evolution called Sacred Blade form.
-A group of Knight defenders of Galar based on the Knighs of the Round Table. Steel/???* (*depends on their irl story)
-A regional bird based on a Hunting Hawk (Flying/Electric)