>>38100103Avalugg is a niche pick as a physical wall for bulkier archetypes such as stall. Its massive physical bulk allows it to stomach hits from pretty much any physical attacker that lacks super effective coverage to hit it, including physically oriented Gliscor, Mega Pinsir, and Mega Mawile lacking Iron Head. Rapid Spin also enables it to be a situational entry hazard remover, as it can switch into setters such as Landorus-T and Mega Swampert and spin their Stealth Rock away while they're forced out. Furthermore, Sturdy allows it to act as a last resort if Avalugg is at full health and a certain wallbreaker runs out of control, enabling it to tank a hit and fire back with a decently powerful Avalanche. Nonetheless, its defensive typing is possibly one of the worst in the game, allowing many physical attackers, such as Swords Dance Kartana, Swords Dance Mega Scizor, Tyranitar, and Mega Medicham, to overcome Avalugg without much struggle. Said typing also leaves it prone to being worn down by hazards, mostly Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes. Avalugg's Special Defense is also very lackluster, leaving pretty much any special attacker able to break through it.