>>38115076>The better system is just not to include every legendary.That's impossible. At this point GameFreak wants every Pokemon to be available in every generation from now on, considering how much of a hassle would be for new players to try to get older legendaries, and GTS is not an excuse. There's a reason ORAS had them all, because XY barely had legendaries available.
My main concern is how they have approached this during the 3DS era, since they're all pretty much in straight halways. I don't care if in ORAS the portals take you straight to the Pokemon, but just starting the battle like that is very cheap. I know it's asking a lot, but imagine refining the Ultra Wormhole mechanic but depending on the Pokemon you're chasing, you're transported to the original area where you can capture it, like for example Zapdos in the Power Plant or Rayquaza in the RSE Sky Tower. Not only you'd be able to travel the dungeon, but you could even have the chance of capturing even more Pokemon not available in the region.
Want to add nostalgia bucks? Downgrade the graphics based on the legendary you're chasing. Looking for Mewtwo? Back to GB graphics. Looking for Giratina? Now we got Platinum graphics. Not sure how feasible would that be, but it would be a really cool touch. It would also justify recycling the old OST instead of not giving them remixes.