UB Emotion
Has a form similar to that of a necklace, but each "bead" is about the size of a medium sized bush, with the one in the middle being two times the size of the others. There are 10 different beads that symbolize different emotions, each with their own mind and face. Depending on the strongest emotion, the bead that corresponds with said emotion will be absorbed into the main bead and then it will direct the other beads from there to attack, heal, defend, etc. All beads are connected by a slightly visible link of electricity.
Main bead - White, because unless there is a smaller bead inside it, it will remain essentially emotionless
Anger is Red, sadness is a dark blue, joy is yellow, disgust is a dark green, trust is a lighter blue, anticipation is orange, surprise is a bright orange, fear is purple, love is pink, and remorse is grey. Each have their own expression that represent each emotion.
It's Psychic/Electric.