>>38134762That's a lock to happen though. Its arc with Kukui/MR's 'Roar isn't finished and it still has no dedicated Z-Crystal of its own (nor can it use Normalium-Z). Given how every time since Torracat's evolution that 'Roar appeared in, they commented on how much stronger it's gotten, if Torracat is going to win (spoiler, he will, this is the whole endgame of its arc) he's going to need to evolve to give itself any ghost of a chance, because as it stands, he can't.
Torracat also has no Z-Crystal of its own and seeing how they even gave Meltan its own Crystal, it's obvious he'll get one eventually. I personally believe Kukui/MR's 'Roar will give Ash's 'Roar its Crystal as a mark of respect for a worthy opponent after their battle (wouldn't be the first time this series a pokémon gave a character a Z-Crystal after proving themselves), but that remains to be seen.