I'll be that guy everyone hates that objectively rates subjective opinions since no one else is.
>>381554835/10, interesting selection but I really dislike some of those mons
>>381559306/10, I relate to the struggle of liking NFEs
>>381559727/10, good except for the waifumons
>>381564383/10, I can smell you from here
>>381577758.5/10, extra .5 for using sprites
>>381580419/10, if it weren't for the waifumons it'd be pretty much perfect
>>381581288/10, nothing offensive. Cool that your favorite is a legendary and you're willing to own that.
>>381581698/10, not a fan of alolan muk but otherwise lots of diversity and unique taste
>>38160443only bothering with the first four lines
7/10, some really boring ones but some very unique picks.
>>381606249/10, excellent taste
>>381612538.5/10, fellow ghostbro
>>381612897/10, not bad, not much to say though
>>38161494Big Pokemon/10, you have a consistent theme and I like it
>>381617669/10, very respectable taste, pretty unique as well
I rate my own selection 8/10, I obviously love them all but I like ghost types too much and somehow two legendaries made it on