>>38183388>B-but evasion can be stopped by theseThey too will have counters. You seem to forget how many Pokemon get double team and minimize, or how the opponent has 6 Pokemon.
And because you will ask for it
>Moltres or anything with HP Fire since Smart Strike is only ever used on Kartana>Mold Breaker>Taunt or any offensive pressure to kill your haze user>Magic Bounce>N-no one actually uses evasionWhat the hell are you talking about?
Evasion is extremely common on battle spots.
And even if it wasn’t common, baton pass teams weren’t common either and they were still an easy win.
In fact, it’s much harder to counter evasion and baton pass with how uncommon they were. They were just never fun to play with or against.
>B-but hazardsA. Hazards aren’t even remotely broken what so ever to begin with. You typically only have 1-3 turns to set your hazards, and within that time, you won’t set up much.
A2. The only Pokemon that can set up full hazards is Smeargle, who needs to use all 4 moves and can’t use spore. It’s extremely hard to find something else with Rocks+Spikes, and they probably don’t have sticky webs or toxic spikes either.
B. There are actually tons of viable ways to prevent hazards from being used, unlike evasion.
C. You would need to be an idiot for someone to get all their hazards set up. See A2.
D. Defog can remove all hazards and screens, which makes it less likely people will bring hazards anyways. Defog also can’t be blocked by magic bounce, and only fears taunt, defient/competitive, and contrary.