>>38197343Hell yeah Remoraid. Cofagrigus is rad too.
>>38197577Minior is such a cool Pokemon. Love the color changing gimmick too.
>>38198004>HaunterA man of culture and taste as well I see.
>>38198252Scizor is great, if only it wasn't a trade evo. Still love it though, steel types are grand.
>>38198298I've always liked Minun over Plusle. Nice.
>>38198438>TWO shiny legendariesShive it up yer ass. Raikou is one of my favorites though.
>>38198801Heracross, Salemance and Crasily, good taste.
>>38198877Ehhhh. Not feeling it beyond Raichu.
>>38198935Toxicroak, Gliscor and Tyrannitar, great team, bub.
>>38198948Snorlax is a bro.
>>38198985Dusknoir and Tyrannitar, pretty ok.
>>38199072REALLY cool team, all respectable, you got a few favorites of mine in there. Well done, buddy.
>>38199167Drifblim is fantastic. Fuck SRing though, too yime consuming.
>>38199350Pink, holy shit. Digging the cohesiveness, you put thought into it and I can appreciate that.
>>38199459Fuck yeah, Empoleon and Bastiodon. Steel types boyyyyyy.