>>38291993I won't try to point out that the polygon count on w/h is way superior and that the background is still more detailed, you won't accept this despite having it under your nose.
What I can say however, as a dumbass who plays skyrim since it's available and who lost countless hours fiddling with options and modding is that switch skyrim is on the absolute lowest resolution with lot of graphical options toned down and look worst than on my 2010 mac book air with wine.
the switch isn't a high power console, it's a handheld and it's its main appeal.
you may be used to play your average 5 hour fps with 3 maps and 5 guns sold at the same price and wondering why those pokemon games are so ugly but stop asking dumb questions if you don't want pedantic answers from assholes like me who find the answers obvious.
background is not important, you won't ever make close up on it and it takes up massive resources so, YES, a tree is usually two planes crossing with a texture, like any other game. yes, textures are the second largest thing you have to fit into ram / vram / mass storage so it is common practice to limit it to the minimum.
from what we saw, this pokemon game is decent for a switch game. wait for the finish product and buy it only if you are convinced, game freaks don't lurk here, the only ones your baseless whining is annoying are others anonymous which can't do a thing about it like you.
inb4 I use "we" as "we, developers", I'm as critical as any other, that's why I burnt all my gen4 cartridges.