>>38292695>Swallow>Spit Up>Doesn't have StockpileUm.
When will Swallow and Spit Up become a new "trapped" move?
Without Stockpile, Swallow and likewise Spit Up are pointless.
Like this.
If Stockpile count = True, Stockpile count reset to 0, heal for x depending on Stockpile count.
If Stockpile count =False, trapping move that deals x damage per turn, enemy cannot switch out, user cannot use attacking moves (other than Spitup), however gain a certain amount of HP per damage tick.
Spitup: If Stockpile count=True, deals x damage dependant on Stockpile count, Stockpile count reset to 0.
If Swallow=True, spits out swallowed foe for x damage dependent on weight difference between Swallower and Swallowed. E.g.
If Light weight Swallower swallows Heavy Weight, damage = 150, likewise if Heavy Weight Swallower swallows Light Weight, damage=150.
Primal Groudon Weight: 2204 lbs Spitup --> Flabebe 0.2 lbs, Spitup Damage =250
Gastly Weight: .2 lbs Spitup --> Mudsdale 2028 lbs, Spitup Damage =250.
If Stockpile =False
If Swallow =False
If Item Consumed = True,
Spit up deals damage to the item that was fully consumed depending on its type. (Normal/Poison type Fling.)
If Stockpile count =False,
If Swallow=False
If Item Consumed=False
There, I just fixed three moves that don't have to be dependent on one another, but if they are used together, can set up something new.