It's mainly my outfit and hair that resembles pic related
>>38333381Your a beta fat weeby fuck
>>38333389You've got RAD hair
>>38333395Unironically begone thot
>>38333406Tryhard edglord
>>38333410Fat weeb who barely showers and does little physical activity
>>38333451Also fat weeb who barely showers
>>38333458So are you
>>38334060Tranny litteral furfag, kill yourself
>>38334072Oh shit fuck you killed us all you absolute buffoon
Wait, SCP 096 only kills us if it's an actual photo, not a drawing
>>38334107Tall, and thinks hes cute even though he isnt.
>>38334215Are you that MaCHAD from that thread a few months ago who said hes training to be as buff as Machoke?
>>38334246Athiest who tries to be edgy. Also, is an owlfag
>>38334269you've got a SICK beard
>>38334506You have autism, just like me
>>38335469>Haha self deprecating humor amirit guys?? XD>>38335509This thread has a lot of fat fucks. Also your a pedo
>>38335600 said
>>38335606Your Russian
>>38335658Tall and skinny
>>38335689Alakazam jerks off to you
>>38336097Grumpy faggot
>>38336119Your fairly lean, very fit and like to fight. Also based taste
>>38336128ANOTHER FAT FUCK. Also you dont shave
>>38336180Nice beard
>>38336216Your probably really based