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No.38350511 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>getting towards endgame
>team is all above level 45 and fully evolved
>heading toward final encounter with evil team
>all the grunts are still using the base forms of their pokemon
>sending out level 40+ fucking zubats and poochyenas
These games are fucking insulting. Where are the retards who actually complain that any part of any Pokémon game is too hard so I can slap the shit out of them?
>b-but it's made for kids!
You know I was a kid too, once. The games were NEVER hard. My dumbass didn't even know the difference between physical and special moves and just put flamethrower and thunderbolt on everything that learned it and they were EASY then too.
How the hell do you guys suffer through this monotony? How can you play a game with absolutely no stakes, no challenge? I can literally only play ROMhacks that make the game harder at this point and autistic competitive play because at least those activate my neurons
There is NO good reason the mainline games don't have a difficulty setting.