>>38360686I like it a lot but you should know what you're getting into.
1. It's not a Smash Bros. clone. That's the biggest thing I think puts people off when they first play it. Besides having 3D portions, it also doesn't focus on movement and jumping as much as Smash Bros. does, but instead has a much larger variety of moves, attacks and combos, similar to Tekken, Soul Calibur etc.. Moves are also more complicated than Smash Bros. and there's a good chance you'll have to look up your character online to see why some of their moves are useful.
2. The single player is lacklustre. It's just battles vs AI again and again.
3. The focus is very much on multiplayer, and the community is relatively small. It has a few hundred very passionate players worldwide but don't expect to have weekly locals unless you live in New York or a few other cities. Online is relatively active but if you're new to fighting games you might have to push through getting destroyed for ten hours or so before you can start beating people online.
It's a good game with a great battle system, but I know that a lot of people played it for the first few weeks then stopped playing because they weren't interested in playing online.