>>38372147My sweet summer child. Most of the problems black people face are brought on by their own actions. Such as police being overly aggressive. Cops know they have to be on edge when dealing with black people because of the amount of crime they commit and they are well aware of the hatred black people have towards cops. When you have such a heated situation shit is bound to get out of hand from time to time.
The poverty in black neighbor hoods is because of the crime that goes on there. Nobody wants to build any businesses or bring any money in.
Prodominatly black schools are a mess because they grow up being told there is no hope and they believe it. Also black music (while sometimes catchy) really is bad for kids. And I wont even go into the fact that fathers aren't fathers.
If you look at neighborhoods in Africa its the same shit as downtown Chicago.
Then you have the anti white media telling blacks its all whiteys fault they are in this situation when really all they need to do is stop trying to be thugs and start being smart.
Its really sad because I want what's best for black people but vindictiveness towards whites is not going to solve their problems.
Black people have a lot of good attributes too, again I'm not a racist I'm a realist. But seriously if anyone is facing racism in the world today its white people.