Almost done with Sewaddle/Fletching second evo gonna post soon.
>>38421751Thank you so much for your kind words anon ! it means the world to me and it gives me a little more faith about my drawing skills, been depressed lately about that, felt like shit ... but i now know that i'm not completely unredeemable but i really gotta step up my game.
>>38421837Thank you very much ! that's really nice of you, been trying to mimic Sugimori's style for so long but failed over and over, it's a little bit more resembling now, but it's not there yet haha. Gotta work on making thinner lines, but what can i say ... i love big black lines.
>>38423241Thanks anon ! i use PaintTool Sai, and i'm basically using this brush for anything really even though the file is called 'Brush Lineart'.
>>38413523Also you may credit me as 'DuskB' OP. Thank you !